Last update 21/04/2024 19.39
Winchelsea Bowls Club Fire Policy
Winchelsea Bowls Club recognises its responsibilities under the Fire Safety Act 2021, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and accompanying legislation.
Responsibility for Fire Safety and Health and Safety sits with the Management Committee. The Committee will keep the club in good order to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to eliminate/mitigate risk. Reasonable actions will be taken to uphold the safety of both members and visitors.
The Club premises consist of all grounds and all structures within the area accessed by our main gate. All structures are single storey and fabricated mainly of wood. There is no Fire Alarm System on site.
The Management Committee recognise that the risk of fire arises from flammable and combustible materials, electrical installations and heat.
Measures in Place to Mitigate Risk
- Fire Equipment: 1 Water and 1 CO2 Fire Extinguishers sited as advised by a specialist. 1 Fire Blanket is positioned within the kitchen area. Extinguishers are inspected annually. Equipment sheds each have dry powder extinguishers.
- Electrical Installations and Portable Electrical Equipment are inspected and tested periodically with records being maintained.
- Means of Escape are clearly marked and kept clear from obstruction. The Assembly Point is clearly marked at the valley end outside of the green.
- An annual Fire Drill takes place in April. All members are requested to attend.
- Smoking and Vaping are prohibited in all buildings.
- Flammable Materials are kept in the locked sheds.
- Signage is in position and clearly visible. ‘In the event of a fire’ instructions are clearly displayed in the club house.
- A designated Fire Officer will be present at all times when there are members or visitors on the club premises.
- Emergency Services will be called if it is deemed to be necessary. The location of the club is clearly displayed on the noticeboard in the club house.