Last update 26/01/2025 14.56
Winchelsea Bowls Club GDPR Policy.
The Data Protection Act 2018 is the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Everyone responsible for using personal data has to follow strict rules called ‘Data Protection Principles’.
Winchelsea Bowls Club take our GDPR responsibilities seriously, however, we can only ensure that we follow measures proportionate to the size of our club.
The 7 main principles of GDPR
l Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency l Purpose Limitation l Data Minimisation l Accuracy l Storage Limitation l Confidentiality l Accountability.
Data required by WBC
The Club will require a limited amount of data in order to manage our membership and to deal with incidents which may arise.
- Full Name, Address,
- Communication Details: Phone and Email,
- In Case Of Emergency Contact Details (Name and Number),
- Brief, Appropriate Medical Details,(Optional)
Data Management and Storage
We will maintain the data with an appropriate level of confidentiality and for the duration of the Member’s tenure.
- The Club Secretary shall retain, collate and maintain all Data,
- All Members shall be given a current Membership List which will show each Member’s Name, Phone and Email,
- Qualified First Aiders shall have access to Medical Data,
- The Club Website will disclose Competition Winners’ Names and also news of achievements which may include photographs. This data will continue to be held beyond the Members’ tenure,
- Data stored on portable devices must be securely protected.
Data Collection
Membership forms will include requests for all data required. They shall be requested annually on renewal of membership. It is the responsibility of individual Members to notify any changes as they occur.
All Members are prohibited from sharing with anyone, Personal Data relating to other Members without the other member’s express permission.
Any Member may request details of the Personal Data held on them by application to the Club Secretary who will endeavour to provide the details within 3 days.