Last update 26/01/2025 14.52
Winchelsea Bowls Club Safeguarding Policy.
Safeguarding means protecting a citizen’s health, wellbeing and human rights; enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.
Winchelsea Bowls Club take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously, however, we can only ensure that we follow measures proportionate to the size of our club.
All Club Members and Visitors to the Club
We will maintain the area over which the Club has control (‘The Site’), including all premises, facilities and equipment belonging to the Club in a manner such that, as far as is possible, the safety and wellbeing of all people on site is protected. This will be achieved by putting in place suitable policies and procedures, whilst ensuring that they are then complied with.
Injury or Ill Health sustained within the area of the Club
Health and Safety polices are maintained, reviewed, and updated. The latest versions are available in the Club House at all times.
All injuries and illness will be dealt with appropriately and, as far as possible, by members of the Club. It is not always possible to have a qualified first aider on site.
The cause of injuries will be subject to an appropriate level of investigation. A report written (which for minor cases may only be an entry in the accident log) and appropriate work will be carried out to ensure no recurrence as far as possible. Serious incidents, whether or not they lead to injury, illness or damage will be minuted by the Management Committee.
Physical Abuse
Physical Abuse of any description will not be tolerated. If, subsequent to an appropriate investigation, any member is deemed to be guilty of such abuse they will have their membership cancelled. Any visitors found guilty of such abuse shall be banned from The Site, and from being involved with the Club.
Winchelsea Bowls Club has a reputation for being a friendly and sociable club. Banter within the Club is something which helps to maintain the friendly and sociable atmosphere.
There can be a fine line between banter and bullying. If at any time comments are deemed to be beyond the boundaries of banter, either by the people involved in the conversation, or by any other witness to the remarks we would encourage this to be called out and hopefully resolved by an appropriate apology at the time. If it is not satisfactorily dealt with at the time, an appropriate grievance should be raised with either the Chairman or Secretary of the Club. The matter will then be investigated and resolved, with appropriate action being taken.
Minors are welcome to The Site, both as members and visitors. They must be accompanied by a designated responsible adult who must ensure the safeguarding and the behaviour of the minor.
Unless it is impractical, no minor must be in the presence of only one person, unless that person is their designated responsible adult.